Sponsor us

Are you a company or individual who can help us get to the start line?

We’re looking for support to cover the costs of the challenge, including the boat, rowing and safety equipment, food and training. There are a number of ways you can get involved, to suit all budgets.

You can donate to the team’s campaign via our GoFundMe page, including by joining Soundwaves Club and Supper Club, or entering our raffle.

Some of the benefits of sponsorship include:

  • Boat and kit corporate branding

  • Business marketing opportunities

  • Leveraging charity affiliation

  • Employee and client events

  • Exclusive content

  • Uniting the company, employees and clients in support of a cause

You can view a summary of our sponsorship packages here.

If you are interested in partnering with team Ace of Blades, please email us at info@teamaceofblades.com to discuss how we can work together.

For more information on the marketing and reach statistics for the race, you can view the most recent race report compiled by the race organisers, Word’s Toughest Row, here.
